Training Cancelled - ÖSV Eagles Landed in Ruka - Skis Unfortunately Not

Training Cancelled - ÖSV Eagles Landed in Ruka - Skis Unfortunately Not

Originally published in Krone on November 28, 2024

Training Cancelled - ÖSV Eagles Landed in Ruka - Skis Unfortunately Not

Austria's successful ski jumpers at the World Cup opener in Lillehammer were forced to cancel their scheduled jump training in Ruka. The reason: their skis did not arrive in Finland in time. "We can handle this," ÖSV head coach Andreas Widhölzl commented on the situation.

His team remains unchanged from the opener, led by Stefan Kraft and Lillehammer winner Jan Hörl. Two individual competitions are scheduled for Saturday at 17:00 and Sunday at 15:15.

Stefan Kraft waiting for his skis.