Kamil Stoch opens up after disaster.

Kamil Stoch opens up after disaster. "I stepped in something"

Originally published in Przegląd Sportowy on December 23, 2024

— I stepped in something I wanted to avoid — admitted Kamil Stoch in an interview with skijumping.pl. This season of the World Cup has not brought much satisfaction for the Polish athlete. In the Sunday competition in Engelberg, he was the only one of the Poles who did not qualify for the second round, placing 29th in the overall classification.

Kamil Stoch analyzes his performance

— I know what I’m doing wrong, but I can’t fix it during competitions. One, two or three jumps aren’t enough. It's about trying but controlling all the time, which doesn’t bring the expected effect — added the Polish jumper.

— Unfortunately, lately, my mind has been burdened with too much unnecessary stress. It has become a spiral of pointless competition. I stepped in something that I genuinely wanted to avoid this season. That’s not what I wanted. I want to go to competitions with a smile, participate in them, and leave with joy after making long jumps at a high level. I deeply believe this scenario is still possible — he admitted.

In Monday's news, it was announced that Kamil Stoch will not be part of the Polish national team for The Four Hills Tournament.

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