Germany Responds to Ski Jumping Scandal!

Germany Responds to Ski Jumping Scandal!

Originally published in Sport1 on March 10, 2025

DSV Reacts to Norwegian Scandal

The German Ski Association (DSV) has taken note of the Norwegian manipulation confession with surprise and demands urgent further clarification. "This can only be a first step. Key questions remain unanswered," said DSV spokesperson Ralph Eder immediately after returning from the World Championships in Trondheim to SID.

Now, the world federation FIS is called to investigate the incident. "Much of the Norwegian representations are not understandable. For example, the fit of the suits is closely coordinated between coaches, support staff, and athletes here," Eder said.

Additionally, DSV sports director Horst Hüttel has requested a complete listing from FIS chief controller Christian Kathol of all suits used by Norway's ski jumpers in all WM competitions, including qualifications. The chip, which according to FIS regulations is incorporated into every suit and monitored during use, allows for precise identification of the respective suits.

Norway Admits Fraud

Jan Erik Aalbu, sports director of the Norwegian Ski Federation, admitted on Sunday the manipulation of the suits used by Marius Lindvik and Johann Andre Forfang, stated by technicians. Neither he nor the jumpers were aware of this.

The statement that the suits were only used in the WM competition from the large hill on Saturday now needs to be verified by the world federation. "The FIS is required to address this with full thoroughness," said Eder.

After the large hill jump, three Norwegians were disqualified, including second-placed Lindvik, who had previously won gold on the normal hill ahead of Andreas Wellinger.