Frida Karlsson Trains with Long-Distance Stars – Premiere in Bruksvallarna Not Ruled Out

Originally published in SVT Sport on November 13, 2024

Frida Karlsson's rehabilitation training is progressing better than expected, and while in Tenerife, she received unexpected support from the Norwegian elite in long-distance skiing, notably Emelie Fleten, winner of the Vasaloppet in 2023 and 2024.

Karlsson's coach, Per Nilsson, expressed cautious optimism, mentioning that her improved status made it possible for her to extend her training stay due to the favorable conditions.

Approximately two weeks ago, it was revealed that she was suffering from foot pain, which resulted in discomfort in her groin, leading to her withdrawal from team training camps. However, Nilsson now believes there’s still hope that she will be on the starting line in the season premiere in Bruksvallarna, just over a week from now. She is scheduled to return to Sweden at the end of the week and will have the opportunity to test her skills on snow next week, which will provide a clearer picture of her fitness for skiing compared to roller skiing.