Cross-country Ski

This page, titled “Cross-country ski”, is a curated collection of news headlines and stories focused on cross-country skiing and related Nordic sports. The navigation includes links to a variety of articles, ranging from race results—such as Finnish skiers claiming medals in 10km, 15km, and 50km classic events—to feature stories that explore the thrill and freedom of skiing on ice in sub-zero conditions. In addition, the page lists several related topics including reports on biathlon events, seasonal notes about ski routes and winter conditions, and broader domestic and international news segments covering sports, culture, and more. Overall, it serves as a comprehensive gateway for enthusiasts to access the latest cross-country skiing news and events in Finland.

See Also

Cross-Country Skiing

January 18, 2024 / Svenska Yle

Men's Cross-Country Skiing

February 22, 2024 /

Skiing Disciplines and News

January 01, 2025 /

Cross-country skiing World Cup

December 19, 2023 /