Sebastian Samuelsson misses last shot – costs podium:

Sebastian Samuelsson misses last shot – costs podium: "Surt"

Originally published in SVT Sport on December 13, 2024

Sebastian Samuelsson competed in the Hochfilzen sprint over 10 km but missed his last shot, which costs him a podium finish. After hitting his first nine shots, he failed to hit the tenth and expressed frustration over the last miss:

"It’s really frustrating. Had I hit that last shot, I would have won instead, and it was close, but many can say that. I lost focus for a millisecond, and then it slipped out," Samuelsson told SVT Sport.

He finished sixth, 21.1 seconds behind the winner, approximately the time it takes for a penalty round.

"Now I'm competing up front, and I’m excited for tomorrow's pursuit race," he added.

Johannes Thingnes Bö, who wore a standard white bib instead of a red or yellow one, excelled in skiing and managed to win despite one miss.

"It feels really good. My competitors have gotten stronger, there are ten to twelve who can win a sprint. I value this victory highly," said Thingnes Bö, who noted that this was a selection for Sunday’s relay, meaning the top four after the sprint would be chosen.