Biathlon star drops out -

Biathlon star drops out - "Heart racing fast": Concerns about Norwegian

Originally published in Krone on December 09, 2024

Biathlon star Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold has been forced to take a break due to experiencing rapid heart palpitations. The four-time world champion candidly shared her recent struggles, stating, "The heart races quickly, and I struggle to regain my rhythm." Following her departure from Kontiolahti, she initially seemed optimistic about her health but admitted that the latest events had caused her distress.

"It’s unfortunate to have another bad experience," she mentioned, recalling a previous season where she faced similar heart issues. The 28-year-old is currently under medical supervision, and her doctor indicates that rest and recovery are essential after these episodes. Tandrevold will certainly not participate in the upcoming events in Hochfilzen, and it remains unclear how long her recovery will take.